H2020 + FP7 + Horizon Europe research projects
Quantis has been applying our unique left-brain, right to European-level and Swiss research projects for over a decade. Our metrics-based approach and expertise in taking the latest science and making it actionable has positioned us as a leading partner for companies, universities and research institutes in delivering cutting-edge solutions. To date, Quantis has taken part in dozens of EU-funded research and innovation projects under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7), Horizon 2020 (H2020) and Horizon Europe, covering a broad range of sectors and topics. Since the launch of H2020 in 2014, Quantis has been involved in 120+ proposals.

Advanced MEMBranes and membrane assisted processes for pre- and post- ...
Scaling advanced materials for use with novel membrane-based technologies to optimize CO2 capture and separation
Biogas membrane reformer for decentralIzed hydrogen production
Developing + building a novel reactor concept integrating H2 production + separation in a single vessel at a real biogas plant (TRL6).
Rolling out a circular concept for the tyre industry
Boosting drought tolerance in key cereals in the era of climate change
Contributing to the development of a circular textile economy in Europe.
CLEAN clinKER production by Calcium looping process
Advancing calcium looping (CaL) technologies for carbon capture in cement plants
Demonstration of new, challenging and high FFA waste oil and fat feeds...
Converting waste raw materials into a sustainable feedstock supply for biodiesel production
Development of new competitive and sustainable bio-based plastics
Assessing the environmental performance of the developed novel bio-based plastics compared with existing conventional packaging solutions, by means of environmental Life Cycle Assessment
Development of new methodologies for industrial CO2-free steel product...
Developing an innovative electrochemical process to produce steel without direct CO2 emissions
Enhanced energy resource efficiency and performance in process industr...
Enabling cross-sectorial Industrial Symbiosis (IS) for enhanced efficiency + performance
Developing environmental sustainability & circularity assessment methodologies for industrial bio-based systems
Production of proteins for food and feed applications from alternative, sustainable sources.
Flexible dimethyl ether production from biomass gasification with sorp...
Developing a sustainable + highly intensified process for producing Flexible Dimethyl Ether (DME) from biomass gasification.
Flexible hybrid separation system for hydrogen recovery from natural g...
Producing a proof of concept of a flexible hybrid technology to separate hydrogen from natural gas grids
Developing biobased textile fibers and coatings adapted to the needs of the 21st century
Holistic Energy and Architectural Retrofit Toolkit
A multifunctional retrofit toolkit advancing energy efficiency + renewable energy in buildings across Europe
Low emissions intensity lime and cement
Piloting Direct Separation carbon capture + storage technology to enable Europe’s cement + lime industries to dramatically reduce emissions + enhance competitiveness
Methane activation via integrated membrane reactors
Scaling + validating a novel membrane reactor for the direct conversion of methane into ethylene with integrated air separation
Improving footprint for generations to come
Residential Retrofit assessment platform and demonstrations for near z...
Assessing how buildings can be renovated to achieve near-zero energy usage
Using industrial symbiosis to create a circular economy concept for textile waste for the chemical + textile industries
Scaling European resources with industrial symbiosis
Developing best practices, tools + guidelines to increase the uptake of industrial symbiosis across Europe
Application of supercritical CO2 blends to CSP plants to reduce CAPEX by 30% and OPEX by 35%
Second generation methyl methacrylate
Evaluating the environmental performance of the developed recycled MMA and associated value chain, and compare it to virgin MMA for selected applications
Secure European Critical Rare Earth Elements
Establishing a stable and secure supply of critical rare earth elements based on a sustainable extraction from European apatite sources used in fertiliser production.
Selective Modifications of ARomatics Through Biocatalytic OXidations
Working together to develop innovative ways of transforming biomass into added-value bio-aromatics
Sonication and Microwave Processing of Material Feedstock
Enabling the electrification of the chemical process industry – and in particular the specialty chemicals industries.
Sustainability transition assessment and research of bio-based product...
Assessing the transition to a bio-based economy + generating an efficient, harmonized policy framework bio-based products
Sustainable and efficient bio-chemical catalytic cascade conversion of...
Demonstrating a cost-effective, sustainable cascade technological route for converting residual biomass to bio-polymers with equal or better performance than fossil-based options.
Working towards a scalable solution for textile recycling
Zero-waste ligno-cellulosic biorefineries by integrated lignin valoris...
Demonstrating the feasibility of transforming lignocellulose biorefinery recalcitrant side streams into high added-value bio-based products