BIONICO will develop, build and demonstrate at a real biogas plant (TRL6) a novel reactor concept integrating hydrogen production and separation in a single vessel. The hydrogen production capacity will be of 100 kg/day. By using the novel intensified reactor, direct conversion of biogas to pure hydrogen is achieved in a single step, which results in an increase of the overall efficiency and strong decrease of volumes and auxiliary heat management units.
Quantis will lead the research on adapting environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) to assess the environmental performance of the investigated novel technology for hydrogen production, compared to reference conventional technologies.
Timeline: 2015-2018 (36 months)
Coordinator: Politecnico di Milano
Topic: FCH-02.2-2014 Decentralized hydrogen production from clean CO2-containing biogas
Key industrial partners: Johnson Matthey, ENC Power, Rauschert, ICI Caldaie