an industry-led initiative and e-learning platform to drive climate action in the fashion industry

Fashion e-retailers ABOUT YOU, ZALANDO and YOOX NET-A-PORTER partnered with Quantis to develop an industry-led initiative and online learning platform to help fashion brands set science-based targets (SBTs) and accelerate industry climate action.

fashion leap for climate


To date, over 5,000 companies from across the globe have committed to setting science-based targets through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). However, only around 320 of these companies are from the fashion and sporting goods industry. Engaging fashion brands to set SBTs is critical for accelerating action to address the industry’s climate impact.

ABOUT YOU, ZALANDO and YOOX NET-A-PORTER have already committed to reducing their emissions, having each set SBTs in 2020/2021. To achieve their scope 3 supplier engagement targets, a certain percentage of their suppliers also needs to adopt SBTs by 2025.

Engaging their supply chain partners individually had been challenging; many of their brand partners needed the know-how and resources to measure their corporate footprints and set emissions reduction targets.

In 2021, the e-retailers turned to Quantis for help engaging their brand partners and supporting them with measuring emissions, developing SBTs and submitting them to the SBTi.


Quantis supported ABOUT YOU, YOOX NET-A-PORTER and ZALANDO in developing FASHION LEAP FOR CLIMATE, a pre-competitive initiative and online learning platform that aims to drive climate education, engagement and action in the fashion and footwear industry. The platform offers step-by-step guidance to help the e-retailers’ brand partners understand:

  • The fashion industry’s stake in the global climate crisis
  • How to measure their corporate carbon footprints
  • How to develop robust science-based targets and submit them to the SBTi

The platform provides a blended learning experience that includes:

  • Self-study materials: guides, videos, infographics
  • Gamification elements: knowledge checks and interactive games to boost learning and engagement
  • Participatory learning: live webinars featuring Quantis climate experts
  • Learning communities: a dedicated space for fashion brands to engage with one another and Quantis’ sustainability experts


Between the pilot in November 2022 and the completion of the first five cohorts in early 2023, there were 55 participating brands on the learning platform. Participants reported an 85% uptick in their confidence around and understanding of SBTs after completing the program, and almost all (91%) valued the opportunities for discussion and exchanging ideas with sustainability experts and peers.

All of the participating brand partners said that they would recommend FASHION LEAP FOR CLIMATE and reported that they were better equipped to set SBTs in the future, with over half citing that they would set SBTs within the next year due to their experience.

In 2023, the three retailers have continued this initiative into its second year, extending the invitation to an even wider roster of brand partners.

Perez Santos

Want to learn more? Let’s talk.

Santos Perez
Senior Sustainability Strategist

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