CosmeticBusiness 2023

Münich, Allemagne • 14 Jun 2023 - 15 Jun 2023

This year our Quantis team went to CosmeticBusiness, an international trade fair bringing together cosmetics companies with all suppliers involved in the development, production, packaging and marketing of the entire cosmetics product portfolio every year in Germany.

Where you’ll find Quantis @CosmeticBusiness


Cosmetics & Personal Care Lead
Quantis Germany

+ SESSION: How to use ecodesign as a performance lever in your decision making?
Thursday, June 15, 3:30-4:00 pm, Conference Room K3

In recent years, sustainability has become a growing concern. Consumers are demanding more transparency and businesses are recognizing the importance of reducing their environmental footprint. The upcoming environmental scores will create more pressure on manufacturers. Ecodesign is a powerful tool that can help companies achieve their sustainability goals while also improving their bottom line. 

Ecodesign is a process that involves designing products considering their environmental impact throughout their entire lifecycle. The key success factors for ecodesign in the beauty industry include:

  1. Choosing the right materials
  2. Reducing packaging waste
  3. Using energy-efficient processes
  4. Implementing sustainable practices
  5. Develop solutions that enable consumer to adopt more sustainable  behavior

In this session Natalia discussed the key success factors for ecodesign and how to use it as a performance lever in your decision making.

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