What is eQoinsight? 

eQoinsight is the new Quantis interface to accessing your corporate footprint results.

The first version will be released in March 2022 as a dashboard for understanding your data with flexibility and autonomy. Dive deep into areas of interest with filters to quickly aggregate and disaggregate the data, and give other internal stakeholders easy access to insights on how their work impacts your company’s footprint.

Future versions will include features such as scenario analysis and time series graphs for planning improvement actions, target tracking for monitoring your progress and options for footprint insights beyond carbon, including water and biodiversity data.

Who is it for?

  • Sustainability teams, to have a holistic understanding of your company’s corporate footprint, identify priority actions, facilitate reporting and make insights accessible to internal stakeholders.
  • Executives, to understand your company’s overall impact and the business units or markets with the greatest impact.
  • Managers, to understand the impact of their branch or region, the products or processes driving the impact, and potential levers for reduction.

How is this different from our past carbon footprint projects with Quantis?

eQoinsight will become the new and improved way for you to access your corporate footprint data. If you’ve worked with us in the past, it will be shared in addition to the slide presentation.

This is not a calculation tool. The scientific minds at Quantis will continue to do the critical thinking and make the modeling choices that comprise a high quality corporate footprint.

How do we get access?

You’ll access the dashboard with a personalized login for your company. You’ll receive your login credentials by the end of March 2022.

For projects that began before September 2021, please speak with your Quantis contact about your options for having your corporate footprint results transferred to the dashboard.

Access will be available for two years from your company’s last footprint performed with Quantis. After two years, your results will be available for download for your records.

How much does it cost?

For corporate footprint projects beginning after September 2021, there is no additional cost to you for the dashboard. This new offering is part of our aim at Quantis to continually enhance our solutions and the value they bring to your work.

It is possible to transfer your past corporate footprint results into eQosight. For corporate footprint projects that began before September 2021, please speak with your Quantis contact about your options for having your results added to the dashboard and associated costs.

Other questions?

We’d be happy to answer them. Please reach out to your primary contact at Quantis for additional information.

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