CLEANKER aims to advance the integrated Calcium-looping (CaL) process for CO2 capture in cement plants. Calcium looping is one of the most promising technologies for CO2 capture in cement plants The process comprises two basic steps: (1) “carbonation” of CaO to form CaCO3 in a reactor operating around 650°C; (2) oxyfuel calcination in a reactor operating at 920–950°C, which makes the CaO available again and generates a gas stream of nearly-pure CO2.
Quantis’ will perform an environmental Life Cycle Assessment of the CLEANKER technology as well as guidance recommendations on how to improve the environmental performance of clinker and cement manufacturing. Quantis will also develop a user-friendly, web-based environmental footprinter tool that seeks to raise public awareness of the sustainability of the CLEANKER technology.
Timeline: 2017–2021 (48 months)
Coordinator: Politecnico di Milano
Topic: H2020-LCE-2015-1 Enabling decarbonisation of the fossil fuel-based power sector and energy intensive industry
Key industrial partners: Italcementi-Heidelbergcement Group, Buzzi Unicem, IKN