Jeans: between impact and innovation – Quantis at Denim Prèmiere Vision 2024

Milano, Italy • 05 Jun 2024 - 06 Jun 2024

When it comes to sustainability within the denim industry, selecting the right raw materials is merely the initial step. Equally critical are the innovations in processing techniques. The environmental impact of denim is in fact greatly influenced by the methods used in washing and dyeing, as well as the strategies for managing the product’s use phase and end-of-life.

At Denim Première Vision, the roving event dedicated to the world of denim – its trends, its market, its culture and its community – happening this year in Milano on June 5th and 6th, we are thrilled to announce the presence of Quantis, pinpointing critical impact areas (hotspots), strategising enhancements to reduce impact, and consulting on how to communicate the industry sustainability efforts clearly, accurately, and effectively.

Denim Premiere Vision Milano 2024

+ Jeans: How to assess impact & transform denim through Innovation
Wednesday 5th June / 12:15 – 12:45

Lara Pizzato,
Sustainability Strategist, Material & Process Innovation expert
Quantis Italy​