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Quantis is a key partner in inspiring sustainable change on a global scale. Come find us in one of our 7 offices in the US, France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy. We’re always growing! If you want your next career move to be with a dynamic, international team, check out our open positions.

Quantis CH – Lausanne
Rue de la Gare de Triage 5,
1020 Renens, Switzerland
How to find us
+41 21 353 59 10
Quantis CH – Lugano
Dagorà – Lifestyle Innovation Hub
Via Peri 21b
6900 Lugano
Quantis Italy
Office address:
Copernico Zuretti,
Via Gianfranco Zuretti 34
20125 Milano, Italy
Registered address:
Corso Magenta, 10
20123 Milano, Italy
Contact us:
+39 348 611 57 91 (not for applications)
Quantis S.r.l. a socio unico | Società soggetta a Direzione e Coordinamento di QUANTIS INTERNATIONAL SA – sede legale: Corso Magenta, 10, 20123 Milano – sede operativa: Via Gianfranco Zuretti 34, 20125 Milano – P.I. e C.F. 10568460967 – PEC: - Registro delle Imprese di MILANO MONZA BRIANZA LODI – Numero REA: MI – 2541750 – Capitale sociale: € 10.000,00.