World Water Week 2024 highlights water cooperation for security in various areas, such as human, food, nutrition, ecosystem, and energy. The theme “Bridging Borders” emphasizes breaking down silos for effective cooperation.
This event aims to promote global interconnectivity and identify opportunities for water cooperation, crucial for positive change. It extends beyond the water sector to support global peace and security.
World Water Week addresses the vital role of water in Sustainable Development Goals, often overlooked in climate change, biodiversity, food security, and poverty discussions. It fosters collaboration across global agendas and connects international processes, implementing commitments from the UN 2023 Water Conference and linking to annual COP meetings.
Quantis at World Water Week
+ SESSION: New Horizons – Understanding Water & Sanitation requirements in a tightening EU regulatory landscape for sustainability due diligence & reporting
Wednesday, August 28 – 8:00 – 9:15 CET – Off-site
Organized by WaterAid and Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS)
The evolving corporate sustainability regulatory environment is changing the business landscape, forcing companies globally to better understand and disclose their materiality, and driving action on their environmental and human rights impacts risks and opportunities. EU CSRD (ESRS) and CSDDD are pioneering this shift and raising the bar on corporate sustainability. WASH sits at the nexus of this, implicated in both environmental and human rights aspects. This session will bring together the thinkers and doers within this space to unpack the expectations of, and implications for, business with respect to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in CSRD/CSDDD. In doing so, we will discuss the opportunities to ensure compliance through meaningful WASH impacts and identify the gaps that must be filled to support companies to do so.

Céline Chanal
Sustainability Expert
+ SESSION: International standards and water stewardship – connecting voluntary to mandatory action
Wednesday, August 28 – 14:00 – 15:00 CET – Online
How can we establish a robust, cohesive global governance system for water stewardship? How can we bridge the gap between leading voluntary initiatives and the more comprehensive regulatory frameworks set by policymakers? In this session, we will delve into the collaboration across various water stewardship initiatives, examining how we can expand these efforts to align with international standards. Additionally, we will discuss the role of international standards in amplifying voluntary actions.

Lucie Gerber
Water and Biodiversity Lead

Sara Traubel
Sustainability Expert
+ SESSION: NPWI: Bridging boundaries in corporate water stewardship
Thursday, August 29 – 14:00 – 15:00 CET – On-site & Online
This session introduces Net Positive Water Impact (NPWI) and discusses it from the perspective of bridging application scales and aligning with other corporate water stewardship approaches. This will be discussed from the views of the framework developers, other thought leaders, corporates and practitioners.

Lucie Gerber
Water and Biodiversity Lead