CosmeticsDesign-Europe | The EcoBeautyScore Consortium went live with 35+ cosmetics and personal care players from four continents joining forces to develop an industry-wide product environmental impact assessment and scoring system. Quantis will play a key role as technical expert, to ensure a robust and scientific approach. CosmeticsDesign-

Related resources

The EcoBeautyScore Consortium is now live with 36 industry players
36 cosmetics and personal care companies have joined the EcoBeautyScore Consortium to develop an industry-wide environmental impact scoring system for cosmetics products.

Video: How can cosmetics brands take meaningful biodiversity action? Ask a biodiversity expert.
Edith Martin spells out examples of sector-specific steps that companies in the cosmetics industry can take to address biodiversity loss.

By Quantis
Make Up the Future: The Quantis Cosmetics Report
New report outlines the critical actions for beauty brands to consider for a sustainable business transition.