Supercritical CARbon dioxide/Alternative fluids Blends for Efficiency Upgrade of Solar power plants
The aim of the SCARABEUS project is to demonstrate that the application of supercritical CO2 blends to CSP plants has the potential to reduce CAPEX by 30% and OPEX by 35% with respect to state-of-the-art steam cycles, thus exceeding the reduction achievable with standard supercritical CO2 technology. This translates into a LCoE lower than 96 €/MWh, which is 30% lower than currently possible. The project will demonstrate the innovative fluid and newly developed heat exchangers at a relevant scale (300 kWth) for 300 h in a CSP-like operating environment.

Building upon the expertise in life cycle assessment (LCA) and renewable technologies, Quantis is leading the environmental LCA assessment to evaluate the innovative SCARABEUS technology for CSP application with the objectives to (i) inform the key environmental performance indicator of the SCARABEUS technology development; (ii) to guide the development of the technology towards a more sustainable solution; (iii) to benchmark the SCARABEUS technology against alternative conventional and state of the art technologies.
Timeline: 2019-2023 (48 months)
Topic: LC-SC3-RES-11-2018 – Developing solutions to reduce the cost and increase performance of renewable technologies
CoordinatorKey industrial partners: Kelvion, Abengoa