As Research and Innovation Action, SMARTBOX will fill the European innovation pipeline with completely new biobased products and sustainable processes. Within SMARTBOX, eleven participants from eight European countries will work together to develop innovative ways of transforming biomass into added-value bio-aromatics.

Quantis will be assessing the environmental performance of the developed novel engineered enzymes for selected applications by means of environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), compared to existing conventional and state-of-the art solutions for the same application.
Timeline: 2019-2023 (48 months)
Coordinator: Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant
Topic: BBI.2018.SO2.R2 – Develop techniques and systems to improve the performance of biocatalysts
Key industrial partners: ZYMVOL Biomodeling, AVA BIOCHEM, B4PLASTICS, COVESTRO Deutschland, BORREGAARD