Meet Vaiva Vazgileviciute

Vaiva Vazgileviciute is a senior sustainability consultant at Quantis’ Berlin branch. We had a conversation with her about her motivations for switching to a career in sustainability and the experiences that have shaped her journey at Quantis.

Tell me a bit about your background. 

Vaiva Vazgileviciute: I spent my whole life in Lithuania until I finished school and decided to study in the UK. I studied aerospace and aerothermal engineering at Cambridge University. After completing my studies, I switched fields. 

I worked at a sustainability consultancy in London for a few years and spent a total of nine years living in the UK. I then moved to Berlin, working briefly on an in-house sustainability team, before joining Quantis. I’ve been here for five years now.

What moment made you want to switch to a career in sustainability? 

VV: I initially studied aerospace and aerothermal engineering because I wanted to be an astronaut. When I was 9, I told my mom I would study at Cambridge, and when I was 13, I told her I would be an astronaut. When I was 16, I said I would learn Spanish. I ended up studying aerospace engineering at Cambridge and took Spanish in the language department. 

In my fourth year, during my master’s project on making aircraft “greener” – reducing fuel burn and emissions – I realized the importance of sustainability work. It clicked that sustainable transformation was critical and I decided to go in that direction. I joined a sustainability consultancy in London and continued from there. 

What do you do at Quantis, and how does your team contribute to sustainable business transformation? 

VV: At Quantis, I’m a Senior Sustainability Expert. I work on a range of topics and have been in this field for 10 years. Over those years, I’ve worked in various sectors and types of sustainability work.  

Currently, I focus on corporate carbon footprints, product footprints, setting science-based targets, helping companies with supply chain strategies and creating reduction roadmaps. I work across different sectors, but recently mostly in food and beverage, fashion, and metals and mining. I’m also a member of our climate community of expertise, guiding the Quantis team on scientific issues and methodologies. 

What makes your day at work, and what’s your favorite part about working at Quantis? 

VV: One key thing is that the people at Quantis really believe in the cause. It’s not just another job, and our people genuinely believe in the importance of our work. This shows through everything from our science-based approach to the clever and curious people here.  

I appreciate the mix of projects that leverage my expertise in different ways, from those that are comfortably within my skill set to those that push me to grow. My interactions with colleagues and collective belief in our mission are very fulfilling. 

What is your favorite memory at Quantis? 

VV: I’d say the interactions at our global retreats. Since I’ve been at Quantis for five years, I’ve been to two global retreats. It’s great to see everyone and share the passion for sustainable transformation. One thing about Quantis is that we don’t do greenwashing. We genuinely aim to do things properly, based on the current science.

What opportunities at Quantis do you think have boosted your career growth?

VV: At Quantis, with the variety of projects, you have to constantly learn because no project is the same. Learning is what makes me thrive. Going deep into topics and becoming an expert is rewarding. Working across different sectors and areas of sustainability means I’m always learning. 

Any parting words? 

VV: Being at a company like Quantis, where everyone is passionate about sustainability, can feel like a bubble. You start to think that everyone is as passionate as we are, but then you go out into the world and realize that’s not the case. Some people don’t see the urgency and importance of sustainability, and there’s a lot of work to be done. I hope our passion translates to a broader reach, because we don’t have much time to lose.

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